"In the early 70s, the military came to my school to recruit even though Vietnam was winding down. I talked to the Navy and Air Force - but they told me they would NEVER have women in their cockpits! I said ok and walked away. Since I knew how to ride horses, I got a job on the race track and continued to fly.
Eventually, I earned my advanced ratings, Seaplane rating being my pride and joy at the time, and flew Part 135 and became a flight instructor. I was in the right place at the right time in 1977 when I started the interview process with United and was hired in April 1978, as the 5th female pilot.
I never took this opportunity for granted and did my best to be a good employee and help fellow pilots through Pilot Assistance programs, mainly Professional Standards. I am so grateful for the 38 1/2 years of working with truly stellar people and flying the 727, 737, 757, 767, 777, and DC-10.
Some highlights include the beauty of the earth, Military Air Charter trips, tea time around the world, all-female crews, seeing our women advance in positions in the training center, domicile Chief Pilots, and system Chief Pilot at UAL and other airlines.
Mostly, I’m thankful that I could raise my two boys and introduce them to the world because of my job. I will always be grateful for the years of friendship and fun with my fellow pilots, including the men! "
Read more about Captain Judy Lee and many other female pilots:
http://isa21.org/throwback/ International Society of Women Airline Pilots
Books by Doris Daily:
Memoirs of an Executive Pilot
Piloten Ausbildung, Jobsuche und Berufsalltag
(in deutscher Sprache - print & ebook)
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